Start With Art Kick Off Event Was A Fun Fill Day!
From Creative ART To Classic Car Show - Great Food And Good Times!

A Creativity Center For Children In The Horry-Georgetown Area, Who Enjoy Using Their Imagination To Create Their Own Unique Master Piece!
We Believe Children Should Be Able To Express Their Creativity, By Using Multiple Elements Of Mixed Media Projects. Our Projects Will Help Teach
Them How To Create, Build, Paint, Sew.
Life Long Skills That Will Benefit Them For Years To Come!
Each Child Will Grow By Learning How To Problem Solve By Creating Something From Nothing!
Your Donation Will Help Give A Local Child The Opportunity To Enjoy The Process Of Being Creative Make Happy Mistakes
And More Importantly Have
Long Lasting - Fun - Memories!

"Look At The Joy On These Faces! This Is Their Prime Time Of Creativity!
That LIGHT Should Never Grow Dim As You Get Older!"

Welcome! I'm Michele DeCantillon & I own Studio 43*19, an Art Playground for kids and adults. We have weekly art, sewing & homeschool COOP, classes.
"Creativity changed my life, one "yes", in spite of my self-doubt, to a dear friend to share in her passion took me on a journey into creativity."
I have Never looked back!
Creativity, sharing creativity has become a part of my everyday life. In 2005'ish I started with summer art camps & classes for kids locally in MB. In churches, and backyards, my garage became a mini studio and I had classes there. Fast forward to 2020, I opened a brick a mortar location near Market Common.
I'm honored to have an incredible team of creatives that love creativity & sharing creativity as much as I do. Since the first camp days, I have always offered scholarship rates or free/no charge for families/kids that would not be able to participate otherwise. I want everyone to have the experience of creativity!!!! It is the best.
Today, its my privilege to start the non-profit business called, "Start with Art"!
Creativity Empowers!
The purpose of this go fund me is to raise funds for Start-Up Costs. These costs' go towards supplies, talent and scholarship community kids who may not experience creating their own creation!
"They Will Discover How To Build Skill Sets That Will Last A Lifetime!" We want to make sure they have that opportunity to explore raw creativity. They will have their own special project and they'll remember the growing years.
Children will be able to Discover Lifelong Skills That May Set A Future Path Of Prosperity!
Your Generous Donation Today To "START WITH ART" Your Will Be Appreciated For A Lifetime !
Thank You For Your Consideration!
Michele DeCantillon
Chief Lover Of Creativity
"Start With Art" LLC
Praise and Testimonials